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タイトルOverview of Experimental Investigations for Ares I Launch Vehicle Development
著者(英)Pinier, Jeremy T.; Tomek, William G.; Hanke, Jeremy L.; Erickson, Gary E.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Another concern for the vehicle during its design trajectory was the separation of the first stage solid rocket booster from the upper stage component after it had depleted its solid fuel propellant. There has been some concern about the interstage of the first stage from clearing the nozzle of the J2-X engine. A detailed separation aerodynamic wind tunnel investigation was conducted in the AEDC VKF Tunnel A to help to investigate the interaction aerodynamic effects5. A comparison of the separation plane details between the Ares I architecture and the Ares I-X demonstration flight architecture is shown in figure 12. The Ares I design requires a more complex separation sequence and requires better control in order to avoid contact with the nozzle of the upper stage engine. The interstage, which houses the J2-X engine for the Ares I vehicle, must be able to separate cleanly to avoid contact of the J2-X engine. There is only about approximately 18 inches of buffer inside the interstage on each size of the nozzle so this is a challenging controlled separation event. This complex experimental investigation required two separate Ares I models (upper stage and first stage with interstage attached) with independent strain gauge balances installed in each model. It also required the Captive Trajectory System (CTS) that was needed to precisely locate the components in space relative to each other to fill out the planned test matrix. The model setup in the AEDC VKF Tunnel A is shown in figure 13. The CTS remotely positioned the first stage at the required x, y, and z positions and was able to provide interactions within 0.2" of the upper stage. A sample of the axial force on the first stage booster is shown in figure 14. These results, as a function of separation distance between the two stages, are compared to pre-test CFD results. Since this is a very challenging, highly unsteady flow field for CFD to correctly model, the experimental results have been utilized by GN&C discipline to more accurately represent the interaction aerodynamics. In addition to the integrated forces and moments obtained from the test, flow visualization data was obtained from this test in the form of Schlieren photographs, as shown in figure 15, which show the shock structure and interaction effects after the two stages separate during flight. This separation test was crucial in the successful flight test of the Ares I-X vehicle and provided the GN&C discipline with the unpowered proximity aerodynamic effect for a separation of the Ares I vehicle.
NASA分類Launch Vehicles and Launch Operations
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2011-0013
権利No Copyright
