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タイトルNASGRO(registered trademark): Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis Software
著者(英)Yeh, Feng; Cardinal, Joe; Forman, Royce; Shivakumar, V.; McClung, Craig; Beek, Joachim; Mettu, Sambi; Williams, Leonard
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述This viewgraph presentation describes NASGRO, which is a fracture mechanics and fatigue crack growth analysis software package that is used to reduce risk of fracture in Space Shuttles. The contents include: 1) Consequences of Fracture; 2) NASA Fracture Control Requirements; 3) NASGRO Reduces Risk; 4) NASGRO Use Inside NASA; 5) NASGRO Components: Crack Growth Module; 6) NASGRO Components:Material Property Module; 7) Typical NASGRO analysis: Crack growth or component life calculation; and 8) NASGRO Sample Application: Orbiter feedline flowliner crack analysis.
NASA分類Structural Mechanics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
