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タイトルAn Investigation of the Longitudinal Proximity Effect in Superconducting and Normal Metal TES
著者(英)Brown, Ari-David; Jethava, Nikhil S.; Kletetschka, Gunther; Chervenak, James A.; Mikula, Vilem
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述As the TES volume and (effective) Tc become very small - for volume < 10 micrometers x 10 micrometers x 0.5 micrometers and Tc < 90 mK - we approach a regime in which the noise equivalent power is dominated by fluctuations in power dissipating from the TES electrons to its phonons. Our ultimate goal is to build a TES bolometer that operates in this regime to be used for far-infrared and sub-mm astronomy. In this study, we characterize the R vs T behavior of small TES in order to engineer a TES bolometer that has a very low Tc. Sadleir et al found that as the distance L between two superconducting leads, with the lead Tc >> the TES Tc, connected at opposite ends of TES approaches zero, superconductivity is induced parallel to the current flow, or longitudinally, and results in a much higher effective TES Te. Here we present effective Te measurements of Mo/Au TES bounded by Nb leads as a function of L which ranges between 4 and 36 micrometer. We observe that the effective Te is suppressed for current density of order 10(exp -6) A/sq micrometers. We also explore the possibility of using a normal metal TES.
NASA分類Electronics and Electrical Engineering
権利No Copyright
