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タイトルSubsystem Hazard Analysis Methodology for the Ares I Upper Stage Source Controlled Items
著者(英)Winner, David R.; Mitchell, Michael S.
著者所属(英)Boeing Co.
内容記述This article describes processes involved in developing subsystem hazard analyses for Source Controlled Items (SCI), specific components, sub-assemblies, and/or piece parts, of the NASA ARES I Upper Stage (US) project. SCIs will be designed, developed and /or procured by Boeing as an end item or an off-the-shelf item. Objectives include explaining the methodology, tools, stakeholders and products involved in development of these hazard analyses. Progress made and further challenges in identifying potential subsystem hazards are also provided in an effort to assist the System Safety community in understanding one part of the ARES I Upper Stage project.
NASA分類Space Transportation and Safety
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
