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タイトルTensile Properties of Some Structural Sheet Materials Under Rapid-Heating Conditions
著者(英)Heimerl, George J.
著者所属(英)National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Langley Aeronautical Lab.
内容記述The results of the NACA tests to determine the tensile strength of some structural sheet materials heated to failure at temperature rates from 0.2 deg. F to 100 deg F per second under constant load conditions are reviewed . Yield and rupture stresses obtained under rapid-heating conditions are compared with the results of conventional elevated-temperature tensile tests. The relation between rapid-heating tests, short-time creep tests, and conventional creep tests is discussed . The application of a phenomenological theory for calculating rapid-heating curves is shown. Methods are given for predicting yield and rupture stresses and temperatures from master curves and temperature-rate parameters
NASA分類Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利No Copyright
