タイトル | Human Response to Low-Intensity Sonic Booms Heard Indoors and Outdoors |
本文(外部サイト) | http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20100019158 |
著者(英) | Buehrle, Ralph D.; Haering, Edward A., Jr.; McCurdy, David A.; Klos, Jacob; Sullivan, Brenda M. |
著者所属(英) | NASA Langley Research Center |
発行日 | 2010-04-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | Test subjects seated inside and outside a house were exposed to low-intensity N-wave sonic booms during a 3-week test period in June 2006- The house was instrumented to measure the booms both inside and out. F-18 aircraft were flown to achieve a variety of boom overpressures from approximately .1 to .6 psf During four test days, seventy-seven test subjects heard the booms while seated inside and outside the house. Using the Magnitude Estimation methodology and artificial reference sounds ; the subjects rated the annoyance of the booms. Since the same subjects heard similar booms both inside and outside the house, comparative ratings of indoor and outdoor annoyance were obtained. For a given metric level, indoor subjects gave higher annoyance scores than outdoor subjects. For a given boom; annoyance scores inside were on average the same as those outside. In a post-test questionnaire, the majority of subjects rated the indoor booms as more annoying than the outdoor ones. These results are discussed in this paper. |
NASA分類 | Acoustics |
レポートNO | L-19846 NF1676L-10465 NASA/TM-2010-216685 |
権利 | Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright |