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タイトルCharacterization of Spitsbergen Disks by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy
著者(英)Le, L.; Clemett, S. J.; McKay, David S.; Ross, K.; Thomas-Keprta, K. L.; Gibson, E. K., Jr.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述'Carbonate disks' found in the fractures and pores spaces of peridotite xenoliths and basalts from the island of Spitsbergen in the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago have been suggested to be "The best (and best documented) terrestrial analogs for the [Martian meteorite] ALH84001 carbonate globules ..." Previous studies have indicated that Spitsbergen carbonates show broadly comparable internal layering and mineral compositions to ALH84001 carbonate-magnetite disks. We report here for the first time, the detailed mineral characterization of Spitsbergen carbonates and their spatial relationship to the host mineral assemblages in the xenolith, using high resolution TEM (as used previously for ALH84001 carbonate disks). These studies were conducted in concert with complementary Raman and SEM analysis of the same samples. Our results indicate that there are significant chemical and physical differences between the disks in Spitsbergen and the carbonates present in ALH84001.
NASA分類Geosciences (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
