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タイトルUse of Acoustic Emission to Monitor Progressive Damage Accumulation in Kevlar (R) 49 Composites
著者(英)Waller, Jess M.; Saulsberry, Regor L.; Andrade, Eduardo
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述Acoustic emission (AE) data acquired during intermittent load hold tensile testing of epoxy impregnated Kevlar(Registeres TradeMark) 49 (K/Ep) composite strands were analyzed to monitor progressive damage during the approach to tensile failure. Insight into the progressive damage of K/Ep strands was gained by monitoring AE event rate and energy. Source location based on energy attenuation and arrival time data was used to discern between significant AE attributable to microstructural damage and spurious AE attributable to noise. One of the significant findings was the observation of increasing violation of the Kaiser effect (Felicity ratio < 1.0) with damage accumulation. The efficacy of three different intermittent load hold stress schedules that allowed the Felicity ratio to be determined analytically is discussed.
NASA分類Composite Materials
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
