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タイトルAerothermodynamic Design of the Mars Science Laboratory Heatshield
著者(英)Edquist, Karl T.; Tang, Chun Y.; Wright, Michael J.; Dyakonov, Artem A.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Aerothermodynamic design environments are presented for the Mars Science Laboratory entry capsule heatshield. The design conditions are based on Navier-Stokes flowfield simulations on shallow (maximum total heat load) and steep (maximum heat flux, shear stress, and pressure) entry trajectories from a 2009 launch. Boundary layer transition is expected prior to peak heat flux, a first for Mars entry, and the heatshield environments were defined for a fully-turbulent heat pulse. The effects of distributed surface roughness on turbulent heat flux and shear stress peaks are included using empirical correlations. Additional biases and uncertainties are based on computational model comparisons with experimental data and sensitivity studies. The peak design conditions are 197 W/sq cm for heat flux, 471 Pa for shear stress, 0.371 Earth atm for pressure, and 5477 J/sq cm for total heat load. Time-varying conditions at fixed heatshield locations were generated for thermal protection system analysis and flight instrumentation development. Finally, the aerothermodynamic effects of delaying launch until 2011 are previewed.
NASA分類Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2009-4075
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
