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タイトルNASA Applied Sciences' DEVELOP Program Fosters the Next Generation of Earth Remote Sensing Scientists
著者(英)Gleason, Jonathan L.; Renneboog, Nathan; Brozen, Madeline W.; Silcox, Tracey L.; Holley, Sharon D.; Childs, Lauren M.; Ross, Kenton W.; Rea, Mimi; Underwood, Lauren W.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Satellite remote sensing technology and the science associated with the evaluation of the resulting data are constantly evolving. To meet the growing needs related to this industry, a team of personnel that understands the fundamental science as well as the scientific applications related to remote sensing is essential. Therefore, the workforce that will excel in this field requires individuals who not only have a strong academic background, but who also have practical hands-on experience with remotely sensed data, and have developed knowledge of its real-world applications. NASA's DEVELOP Program has played an integral role in fulfilling this need. DEVELOP is a NASA Science Mission Directorate Applied Sciences training and development program that extends the benefits of NASA Earth science research and technology to society.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
