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タイトルA Comparison of the Unpressurized Rover and Small Pressurized Rover During a Desert Field Evaluation
著者(英)Litaker, Harry; Thompson, Shelby; Howard, Robert
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center; Lockheed Martin Corp.
内容記述To effectively explore the lunar surface, astronauts will need a transportation vehicle which can traverse all types of terrain. Currently, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration s (NASA) is investigating two lunar rover configurations to meet such a requirement. Under the Lunar Electric Rover (LER) project, a comparison study between the unpressurized rover (UPR) and the small pressurized rover (SPR) was conducted at the Black Point Lava Flow in Arizona. The objective of the study was to obtain human-in-the-loop performance data on the vehicles with respect to human-machine interfaces, vehicle impacts on crew productivity, and scientific observations. Four male participants took part in four, one-day field tests using the exact same terrain and scientific sites for an accurate comparison between vehicle configurations. Subjective data was collected using several human factors performance measures. Results indicate either vehicle configuration was generally acceptable for a lunar mission; however, the SPR configuration was preferred over the UPR configuration primarily for the SPR s ability to cause less fatigue and enabling greater crew productivity.
NASA分類Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
