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タイトルObservation of Solar Wind Charge Exchange Emission from Exospheric Material in and Outside Earth's Magnetosheath
著者(英)Cravens, T.; Lepri, S. T.; Collier, M. R.; Tomas, L.; Snowden, S. L.; Kuntz, K. D.; Robertson, I.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述A long XMM-Newton exposure is used to observe solar wind charge exchange (SWCX) emission from exospheric material in and outside Earth s magnetosheath. The light curve of the O VII (0.5-0.62 keV) band is compared with a model for the expected emission, and while the emission is faint and the light curve has considerable scatter, the correlation is significant to better than 99.9%. This result demonstrates the validity of the geocoronal SWCX emission model for predicting a contribution to astrophysical observations to a scale factor of order unity (1.36). The results also demonstrate the potential utility of using X-ray observations to study global phenomena of the magnetosheath which currently are only investigated using in situ measurements.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
