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タイトルFlight Validation of a Metrics Driven L(sub 1) Adaptive Control
著者(英)Hovakimyan, Naira; Cao, Chengyu; Xargay, Enric; Jones, Kevin D.; Dobrokhodov, Vladimir; Kitsios, Ioannis; Lizarraga, Mariano I.; Kaminer, Isaac; Gregory, Irene M.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center; NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The paper addresses initial steps involved in the development and flight implementation of new metrics driven L1 adaptive flight control system. The work concentrates on (i) definition of appropriate control driven metrics that account for the control surface failures; (ii) tailoring recently developed L1 adaptive controller to the design of adaptive flight control systems that explicitly address these metrics in the presence of control surface failures and dynamic changes under adverse flight conditions; (iii) development of a flight control system for implementation of the resulting algorithms onboard of small UAV; and (iv) conducting a comprehensive flight test program that demonstrates performance of the developed adaptive control algorithms in the presence of failures. As the initial milestone the paper concentrates on the adaptive flight system setup and initial efforts addressing the ability of a commercial off-the-shelf AP with and without adaptive augmentation to recover from control surface failures.
NASA分類Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2008-6987
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
