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タイトルA-Train Data Search and Visualization to Facilitate Multi-Instrument Cloud Studies
著者(英)Savtchenko, Andrey; Kempler, Steven; Winkler, Dave; Smith, Peter; Leptoukh, Greg; Stephens, Graeme
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Now that the A-Train suite of datasets have become more mature, new and innovative science utilizing the various products has become more reliable and challenging. To perform multi-satellite research with A-Train data originating from heterogenous missions, scientists must access, subset visualize and analyze user specified datasets in ways unique to the dataset. Then hte datasets need to be co-registered and maybe merged. The A-Train Data Depot (ATDD) has been developed to save each scientist the effort and expense of developing these functions individually.
NASA分類Computer Systems
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
