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タイトルOperational Concept for the NASA Constellation Program's Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle
著者(英)Richardson, Lea; Cruzen, Craig; Best, Joel; Chavers, Greg
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Ares I design brings together innovation and new technologies with established infrastructure and proven heritage hardware to achieve safe, reliable, and affordable human access to space. NASA has 50 years of experience from Apollo and Space Shuttle. The Marshall Space Flight Center's Mission Operations Laboratory is leading an operability benchmarking effort to compile operations and supportability lessons learned from large launch vehicle systems, both domestically and internationally. Ares V will be maturing as the Shuttle is retired and the Ares I design enters the production phase. More details on the Ares I and Ares V will be presented at SpaceOps 2010 in Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A., April 2010.
NASA分類Launch Vehicles and Launch Operations
権利No Copyright
