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タイトルHealth and Environment Linked for Information Exchange (HELIX)-Atlanta: A CDC-NASA Joint Environmental Public Health Tracking Collaborative Project
著者(英)Limaye, Ashutosh; Crosson, Bill; Luvall, Jeff; Rickman, Doug; Al-Hamdan, Mohammad; Estes, Maury; Quattrochi, Dale
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述HELIX-Atlanta was developed to support current and future state and local EPHT programs to implement data linking demonstration projects which could be part of the CDC EPHT Network. HELIX-Atlanta is a pilot linking project in Atlanta for CDC to learn about the challenges the states will encounter. NASA/MSFC and the CDC are partners in linking environmental and health data to enhance public health surveillance. ~ The use of NASA technology creates value added geospatial products from existing environmental data sources to facilitate public health linkages. Proving the feasibility of the approach is the main objective
NASA分類Life Sciences (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
