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タイトルNASA Marshall Impact Testing Facility Capabilities Applicable to Lunar Dust Work
著者(英)Evans, Steven W.; Martin, Jim; Eskridge, Richard; Finchum, Andy; Hubbs, Whitney
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The Impact Testing Facility at Marshall Space Flight Center has several guns that would be of use in studying impact phenomena with respect to lunar dust. These include both ballistic guns, using compressed gas and powder charges, and hypervelocity guns, either light gas guns or an exploding wire gun. In addition, a plasma drag accelerator expected to reach 20 km/s for small particles is under development. Velocity determination and impact event recording are done using ultra-high-speed cameras. Simulation analysis is also available using the SPHC hydrocode.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利No Copyright
