JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルExternal Tank (ET) Foam Thermal/Structural Analysis Project
著者(英)Ungar, Eugene K.; Chang, Li C.; Moore, David F.; Stephan, Ryan A.; Malroy, Eric T.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述An independent study was performed to assess the pre-launch thermally induced stresses in the Space Shuttle External Tank Bipod closeout and Ice/Frost ramps (IFRs). Finite element models with various levels of detail were built that included the three types of foam (BX-265, NCFI 24-124, and PDL 1034) and the underlying structure and bracketry. Temperature profiles generated by the thermal analyses were input to the structural models to calculate the stress levels. An area of high stress in the Bipod closeout was found along the aluminum tank wall near the phenolic insulator and along the phenolic insulator itself. This area of high stress might be prone to cracking and possible delamination. There is a small region of slightly increased stress in the NCFI 24-124 foam near its joint with the Bipod closeout BX-265 foam. The calculated stresses in the NCFI 24-124 acreage foam are highest at the NCFI 24-124/PDL 1034/tank wall interface under the LO2 and LH2 IFRs. The highest calculated stresses in the LH2 NCFI 24-124 foam are higher than in similar locations in the LO2 IFR. This finding is consistent with the dissection results of IFRs on ET-120.
NASA分類Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
NASA/TM-2008- 215102
権利No Copyright
