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タイトルPreliminary Examination of the Interstellar Collector of Stardust
著者(英)Leroux, H.; Gainsforth, Z.; Allen, C.; Simionovici, A.; Tsou, P.; Flynn, G.; Bastien, R.; Gruen, E.; Brownlee, D. E.; Sandford, S. A.; Stroud, M.; Bridges, J.; Stadermann, F.; Warren, J.; Kearsley, A.; Zolensky, M. E.; Frank, D.; Nittler, L. R.; Westphal, A. J.; Brenker, F.; Butterworth, A. L.; Tyliczszak, T.; Borg, J.; Hoppe, P.; Floss, C.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述The findings of the Stardust spacecraft mission returned to earth in January 2006 are discussed. The spacecraft returned two unprecedented and independent extraterrestrial samples: the first sample of a comet and the first samples of contemporary interstellar dust. An important lesson from the cometary Preliminary Examination (PE) was that the Stardust cometary samples in aerogel presented a technical challenge. Captured particles often separate into multiple fragments, intimately mix with aerogel and are typically buried hundreds of microns to millimeters deep in the aerogel collectors. The interstellar dust samples are likely much more challenging since they are expected to be orders of magnitudes smaller in mass, and their fluence is two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the cometary particles. The goal of the Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination (ISPE) is to answer several broad questions, including: which features in the interstellar collector aerogel were generated by hypervelocity impact and how much morphological and trajectory information may be gained?; how well resolved are the trajectories of probable interstellar particles from those of interplanetary origin?; and, by comparison to impacts by known particle dimensions in laboratory experiments, what was the mass distribution of the impacting particles? To answer these questions, and others, non-destructive, sequential, non-invasive analyses of interstellar dust candidates extracted from the Stardust interstellar tray will be performed. The total duration of the ISPE will be three years and will differ from the Stardust cometary PE in that data acquisition for the initial characterization stage will be prolonged and will continue simultaneously and parallel with data publications and release of the first samples for further investigation.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
