JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCarbon Nanofiber Incorporated Silica Based Aerogels with Di-Isocyanate Cross-Linking
著者(英)Ghosn, Louis J.; McCorkle, Linda; Meador, Mary Ann B.; Vivod, Stephanie L.; Capadona, Lynn A.; Clark, Nicholas; Sullivan, Roy M.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述Lightweight materials with excellent thermal insulating properties are highly sought after for a variety of aerospace and aeronautic applications. (1) Silica based aerogels with their high surface area and low relative densities are ideal for applications in extreme environments such as insulators for the Mars Rover battery. (2) However, the fragile nature of aerogel monoliths prevents their widespread use in more down to earth applications. We have shown that the fragile aerogel network can be cross-linked with a di-isocyanate via amine decorated surfaces to form a conformal coating. (3) This coating reinforces the neck regions between secondary silica particles and significantly strengthens the aerogels with only a small effect on density or porosity. Scheme 1 depicts the cross-linking reaction with the di-isocyanate and exhibits the stages that result in polymer cross-linked aerogel monoliths.
NASA分類Composite Materials
権利No Copyright
