JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルOn the Use of 3dB Qualification Margin for Structural Parts on Expendable Launch Vehicles
著者(英)Yunis, Isam
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The standard random vibration qualification test used for Expendable Launch Vehicle components is Maximum Predicted Environment (MPE) + 6dB for a duration of 4 times the service life of the part. This can be a severe qualification test for these fatigue-sensitive structures. This paper uses flight data from several launch vehicles to establish that reducing the qualification approach to MPE+3dB for the duration of the peak environment (1x life) is valid for fatigue-sensitive structural components. Items that can be classified as fatigue-sensitive are probes, ducts, tubing, bellows, hoses, and any non-functional structure. Non-functional structure may be flight critical or carry fluid, but it cannot include any moving parts or electronics. This reduced qualification approach does not include primary or secondary structure which would be exclusively designed by peak loads, either transient or quasi-static, that are so large and of so few cycles as to make fatigue a moot point.
NASA分類Launch Vehicles and Launch Operations
権利No Copyright
