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タイトルNumerical Strip-Yield Calculation of CTOD and CTOA
著者(英)Forman, Royce; Shivakumar, V.; Beek, Joachim
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述A recently developed numerical method based on the strip yield analysis approach was used to calculate the Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) and Crack Tip Opening Angle (CTOA) for a number of complex crack configurations of practical interest. This method is an adaptation of the dislocation-density based boundary element method. In this Boundary Element approach, crack-face opening displacements are obtained at any point on a crack using a series of definite integrals evaluated exactly in closed form for a variety of crack geometries, including infinite or finite extent, with arbitrarily applied loading conditions.
NASA分類Structural Mechanics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
