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タイトルPlasma Environments and Spacecraft Charging for Lunar Programs
著者(英)Minow, Joseph I.; Blackwell, William C., Jr.; Altstatt, Richard L.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Space systems interacting with the space plasma environment charge to potentials of a few tens of volts positive in interplanetary space or on the lunar surface in daylight, a few hundred volts negative in the dark lunar plasma wake and in some regions of the Earth s radiation belts, and to multiple kilovolt negative potentials for worst case conditions in the Earth s magnetosphere near geostationary orbit. Good design practices are required to assure that space systems operate successfully in these environments without detrimental effects due to transient currents and insulator failure produced by electrostatic discharges. Cold lunar environments in particular are challenging because detrimental effects of charging are often exacerbated by cold, highly resistive dielectrics which can integrate charge for long periods of time. We will describe the cold plasma and energetic particle environments relevant to lunar missions responsible for surface and bulk charging of space systems and discuss program requirements under development for assuring that systems operate successfully in these environments.
NASA分類Plasma Physics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
