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タイトルPyrovalve Blowby Tests
著者(英)Julien, Howard L.; Keddy, Christopher P.; Saulsberry, Regor
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述The NASA White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) was requested to perform pyrovalve blowby tests in support of the Mars Observer Propulsion and Corrective Actions Test Program. Fifty-three tests were conducted in an attempt to characterize the blowby of commercial pyrovalves. Those pyrovalves used on NASA spacecraft are well represented, and the test data reported provide a basis for evaluating the performance of similar valves in other propulsion systems. The three test series conducted are subsequently described. All testing was done in the same test facility, with periodic changes that enhanced the test methodology.
NASA分類Mechanical Engineering
レポートNOWSTF # 03-37670
権利No Copyright
