JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルContinuously Regenerable Freeze-Out CO2 Control Technology
著者(英)Paul, Heather; Myers, Jeff; Dyer, Chris; Fricker, John; Patten, Rich
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述Carbon dioxide (CO2) removal technology development for portable life support systems (PLSS) has traditionally concentrated in the areas of solid and liquid chemical sorbents and semi-permeable membranes. Most of these systems are too heavy in gravity environments, require prohibitive amounts of consumables for operation on long term planetary missions, or are inoperable on the surface of Mars due to the presence of a CO2 atmosphere. This paper describes the effort performed to mature an innovative CO2 removal technology that meets NASA s planetary mission needs while adhering to the important guiding principles of simplicity, reliability, and operability. A breadboard cryogenic carbon dioxide scrubber (Cryo Scrubber) for a closed loop cryogenic PLSS was developed, designed, and tested, and a conceptual design suitable for a PLSS was developed based on the results of the breadboard testing. The Cryo Scrubber freezes CO2 and other trace contaminants out of expired vent loop gas using cooling available from a liquid oxygen (LOX) based PLSS. The device is continuously regenerable, with solid CO2 being removed from the cold freeze-out surfaces, sublimated, and vented overboard. Duration is limited only by the supply of LOX stored in the PLSS. Simplicity, reliability, and operability are universally important criteria for critical hardware on long duration Lunar or Mars missions. The Cryo Scrubber has no moving parts, requires no additional consumables, and uses no electrical power, contributing to its simplicity and reliability. It is easy to use; no operator action is required to prepare, use, or shut down the Cryo Scrubber, and it does not require charging or regeneration. The versatility of the concept allows for operation on earth, the moon, and Mars, and in microgravity.
NASA分類Man/System Technology and Life Support
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
