タイトル | A Simplified Approach for the Rapid Generation of Transient Heat-Shield Environments |
本文(外部サイト) | http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20070004568 |
著者(英) | Wurster, Kathryn E.; Mills, Janelle C.; Kamhawi, Hilmi; Zoby, E. Vincent |
著者所属(英) | NASA Langley Research Center |
発行日 | 2007-01-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | A simplified approach has been developed whereby transient entry heating environments are reliably predicted based upon a limited set of benchmark radiative and convective solutions. Heating, pressure and shear-stress levels, non-dimensionalized by an appropriate parameter at each benchmark condition are applied throughout the entry profile. This approach was shown to be valid based on the observation that the fully catalytic, laminar distributions examined were relatively insensitive to altitude as well as velocity throughout the regime of significant heating. In order to establish a best prediction by which to judge the results that can be obtained using a very limited benchmark set, predictions based on a series of benchmark cases along a trajectory are used. Solutions which rely only on the limited benchmark set, ideally in the neighborhood of peak heating, are compared against the resultant transient heating rates and total heat loads from the best prediction. Predictions based on using two or fewer benchmark cases at or near the trajectory peak heating condition, yielded results to within 5-10 percent of the best predictions. Thus, the method provides transient heating environments over the heat-shield face with sufficient resolution and accuracy for thermal protection system design and also offers a significant capability to perform rapid trade studies such as the effect of different trajectories, atmospheres, or trim angle of attack, on convective and radiative heating rates and loads, pressure, and shear-stress levels. |
NASA分類 | Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance |
レポートNO | AIAA Paper 2007-0411 |
権利 | Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright |