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タイトルEnhancing Icing Training for Pilots Through Web-Based Multimedia
著者(英)Fletcher, William; Adanich, Emery; Nolan, Gary; Bond, Thomas H.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述The Aircraft Icing Project of the NASA Aviation Safety Program has developed a number of in-flight icing education and training aids designed to increase pilot awareness about the hazards associated with various icing conditions. The challenges and advantages of transitioning these icing training materials to a Web-based delivery are discussed. Innovative Web-based delivery devices increased course availability to pilots and dispatchers while increasing course flexibility and utility. These courses are customizable for both self-directed and instructor-led learning. Part of our goal was to create training materials with enough flexibility to enable Web-based delivery and downloadable portability while maintaining a rich visual multimedia-based learning experience. Studies suggest that using visually based multimedia techniques increases the effectiveness of icing training materials. This paper describes these concepts, gives examples, and discusses the transitional challenges.
NASA分類Air Transportation and Safety
AIAA Paper 2006-0674
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
