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タイトルHigh-Speed Cascade Tests of the NACA 65-(12A(sub 10))10 and NACA 65-(12A(sub 2)I(sub 8b))10 Compressor Blade Sections
著者(英)Emery, James C.; Dunavant, James C.; Walch, Howard C.; Westphal, Willard R.
著者所属(英)National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Langley Aeronautical Lab.
内容記述Two-dimensional porous-well cascade tests of the NACA 65- (l2Al0) 10 and NACA 65-(l2A2I8b)10 blade sections were made at Mach numbers from 0.3 to choking in most cases. Data were obtained at solidities of 1.0 and 1.5 et inlet-air angles of 45 deg. and 60 deg. for both blade sections. With a solid--wall modification to the cascade tunnel, schlieren observations were made of the flow in cascade at a solidity of 1.5 and inlet-air angle of 45 deg. and at a solidity of 1.0 and inlet-air angle of 60 deg. Test results for the NACA 65-(12A10)l0 blade section show t hat the turning angles measured at low speed do not change significantly as the speed increases until the critical Mach number is exceed. Because of increasing separation from the highly cambered trailing-edge region, the turning angles for the NACA 65-(12A2I8b)10 blade section decreased as much as 4 deg. from low speed to critical speed. The high-speed performance of the NACA 65-(12A10)10 and the NACA 65-(12A2I8b)l0 blade sections is largely determined by the passage area distribution. The angle of attack for best operation at high Mach numbers is higher than the design angle of attack selected at low speed to have pressure distributions that are free of peaks.
NASA分類Nonmetallic Materials
権利No Copyright
