JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDropping in on Mars
著者(英)Rivellini, Tommaso P.
内容記述Here I was: 26 years old, I had never worked on a flight project before, and all eyes were on me. Every time I walked by the Pathfinder project office, Tony Spear, the project manager, would throw his arm around me and announce, 'Hey everybody, the whole mission is riding on this guy right here.' Our task was to design and build airbags for Pathfinder s landing on Mars - an approach that had never been used on any mission. Airbags may seem like a simple, low-tech product, but it was eye-opening to discover just how little we knew about them. We knew that the only way to find out what we needed to learn was to build prototypes and test them. We just didn t know how ignorant we were going to be. Airbags seemed like a crazy idea to a lot of people. Nobody ever said that, mind you, but there seemed to be a widespread feeling that the airbags weren t going to work. 'We ll let you guys go off and fool around until you fall flat on your faces.' That was the unspoken message I received day after day.
NASA分類Administration and Management
権利No Copyright
