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タイトルLow Velocity Difference Thermal Shear Layer Mixing Rate Measurements
著者(英)Culver, Harry C. M.; Georgiadis, Nicholas J.; Weissbein, Dave; Bush, Robert H.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述Current CFD modeling techniques are known to do a poor job of predicting the mixing rate and persistence of slot film flow in co-annular flowing ducts with relatively small velocity differences but large thermal gradients. A co-annular test was devised to empirically determine the mixing rate of slot film flow in a constant area circular duct (D approx. 1ft, L approx. 10ft). The axial rate of wall heat-up is a sensitive measure of the mixing rate of the two flows. The inflow conditions were varied to simulate a variety of conditions characteristic of moderate by-pass ratio engines. A series of air temperature measurements near the duct wall provided a straightforward means to measure the axial temperature distribution and thus infer the mixing rate. This data provides a characterization of the slot film mixing rates encountered in typical jet engine environments. The experimental geometry and entrance conditions, along with the sensitivity of the results as the entrance conditions vary, make this a good test for turbulence models in a regime important to modern air-breathing propulsion research and development.
NASA分類Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2013-1074
