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タイトルToward a Model-Based Approach for Flight System Fault Protection
著者(英)Day, John; Murray, Alex; Meakin, Peter
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Use SysML/UML to describe the physical structure of the system This part of the model would be shared with other teams - FS Systems Engineering, Planning & Execution, V&V, Operations, etc., in an integrated model-based engineering environment Use the UML Profile mechanism, defining Stereotypes to precisely express the concepts of the FP domain This extends the UML/SysML languages to contain our FP concepts Use UML/SysML, along with our profile, to capture FP concepts and relationships in the model Generate typical FP engineering products (the FMECA, Fault Tree, MRD, V&V Matrices)
NASA分類Systems Analysis and Operations Research
