JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルActively Controlled Components
著者(英)Pfoertner, H.; Schadow, K.; Garg, S.; Horn, W.; Rosenfeld, T.; Hiller, S.-J.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述Active Control can help to meet future engine requirements by an active improvement of the component characteristics. The concept is based on an intelligent control logic, which senses actual operating conditions and reacts with adequate actuator action. This approach can directly improve engine characteristics as performance, operability, durability and emissions on the one hand. On the other hand active control addresses the design constrains imposed by unsteady phenomena like inlet distortion, compressor surge, combustion instability, flow separations, vibration and noise, which only occur during exceptional operating conditions. The feasibility and effectiveness of active control technologies have been demonstrated in lab-scale tests. This chapter describes a broad range of promising applications for each engine component. Significant efforts in research and development remain to implement these technologies in engine rig and finally production engines and to demonstrate today s engine generation airworthiness, safety, reliability, and durability requirements. Active control applications are in particular limited by the gap between available and advanced sensors and actuators, which allow an operation in the harsh environment in an aero engine. The operating and performance requirements for actuators and sensors are outlined for each of the gas turbine sections from inlet to nozzle.
NASA分類Aircraft Propulsion and Power
権利Copyright, Distribution within the U.S. granted by agreement
