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タイトルProcess for Measuring Over-Center Distances
著者(英)Murtland, Kevin; Willard, Douglas; Stahl, Joddy; Youngquist, Robert; Parks, Steven
著者所属(英)NASA Kennedy Space Center
内容記述Over-center mechanisms were used in the orbiter payload bay to lock down the robotic arm during the launch of the space shuttle. These mechanisms were unlocked while in orbit in order to release the arm for use. Adjusting the mechanism such that it would not inadvertently release during launch, but could be released when needed by use of the motor, required accurate adjustments that were difficult to perform. A procedure was developed to allow these mechanisms to be adjusted to within the specifications required for the Space Shuttle Program. This approach is significantly more accurate than any other technique, and is the only technique known that met the launch requirements of the program.
NASA分類Engineering (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
