JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルFluvial and Lacustrine Processes in Meridiani Planum and the Origin of the Hematite by Aqueous Alteration
著者(英)Barber, C. A.; Sutherland, V.; Livingston, A.; Feldman, W. C.; Lewis, K.; Schelble, R. T.; Hare, T. M.; Newsom, H. E.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The prime MER landing site in Meridiani Planum is located on layered materials, including hematite, whose origin as lacustrine or aeolian sediments, or volcanic materials is uncertain. Our detailed mapping of the region provides important constraints on the history of the region. Our mapping of the location of fluvial and lacustrine land forms in the region relative to the layered deposits provides new evidence of a long history of erosion and deposition as has long been noted . In addition, our detailed mapping of the southern boundary of the hematite deposit strongly supports an association between longlived fluvial channels and lacustrine basins and the strongest hematite signatures. This evidence supports an origin of the hematite deposits by interaction with water under ambient conditions in contrast to suggestions of hydrothermal processes due to volcanic or impact crater processes. An important part of the story is the evidence for the localization of the layered deposits due to topographic control induce by the presence of a large early basin we have identified that extends to the north-east of the landing site. Distribution of current channel networks, drainages,
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
