JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルImagine the Universe!
著者(英)Cliffe, J. Allie; Bene, Meredith; Whitlock, Laura A.; Lochner, James C.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Imagine the Universe! gives students, teachers, and the general public a window on how high-energy astrophysics is used to probe the structure and evolution of the Universe. This is the universe as revealed by X-rays, gamma-rays and cosmic rays. Information about this exciting branch of astronomy is available in Imagine the Universe! at a variety of reading levels, and is illustrated with on-line graphics, animations, and movies. Information is presented on topics ranging from the Sun to black holes to X-ray and gamma-ray satellites. Imagine! also features a Teacher's Corner with study guides, lesson plans, and information on other education resources. Further descriptions of features of the Imagine! site and the other sites included on the CD-ROM may be found in sections V and VI of the booklet file.
権利No Copyright
