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タイトルThe near infrared camera with a 512 x 512 PtSi CCD, cooled by two stirling cycle machines, developed for the Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory
その他のタイトル西はりま天文台スターリング冷凍機搭載512×512PtSi CCD近赤外線カメラ
著者(日)Ishitsuka I, Jose K.; 和田 武彦; 家田 文彦; 時政 典孝; 黒田 武彦; 森本 雅樹; 宮地 竹史; 面高 俊宏; 上野 宗孝; 石塚 睦
著者(英)Ishitsuka I, Jose K.; Wada, Takehiko; Ieda, Fumihiko; Tokimasa, Noritaka; Kuroda, Takehiko; Morimoto, Masaki; Miyaji, Takeshi; Omodaka, Toshihiro; Ueno, Munetaka; Ishitsuka, Mutsumi
著者所属(日)東京大学 教養学部 宇宙地球部会; 宇宙科学研究所; 鹿児島大学 理学部 物理科学科; 兵庫県立西はりま天文台; 兵庫県立西はりま天文台; 兵庫県立西はりま天文台; 国立天文台 野辺山宇宙電波観測所; 鹿児島大学 理学部 物理科学科; 東京大学 教養学部 宇宙地球部会; Instituto Geofisco del Peru Observatorio de Ancon
著者所属(英)University of Tokyo Department of Earth Sciences and Astronomy, College of Arts and Science; Institute of Space and Astronautical Science; Kagoshima University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory; Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory; Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory Nobeyama Radio Observatory; Kagoshima University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; University of Tokyo Department of Earth Sciences and Astronomy, College of Arts and Science; Instituto Geofisco del Peru Observatorio de Ancon
刊行物名Annual Report of the Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, 1999FY
兵庫県立西はりま天文台年報 平成11年度
抄録A new infrared CCD camera with a 512 x 512 PtSi detector was developed as a project at the Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory. The dewar was cooled by two independent Stirling cycle refrigerators. The cooling capacity of each refrigerator was 1 watt at 77 K and 0 watt at 50 K. This type of camera system would be suitable as an alternative instrument for an optical CCD camera attached to a small telescope or one for a robotic telescope. Regular observations of semi-regular variable star R Crateris with the camera were started since April 2000. The aim of these observations was to draw the light curve of R Crateris at J, H, and K bands and to find the correlation with the maser emission intensity observed at radio frequencies.
キーワードNishi Harima Astronomical Observatory; Starling cycle refrigerator; small telescope; variable star; R Crateris; light curve; maser source; PtSi CCD camera; radio frequency; cooling capacity; 西はりま天文台; スターリング・サイクル式冷凍機; 小口径望遠鏡; 変光星; R-Crateris; 光度曲線; メーザ源; PtSi-CCDカメラ; ラジオ波周波数; 冷却容量
資料種別Technical Report
