JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDynamical properties and elementary excitations of one-dimensional quantum systems
著者(日)斎賀 康宏; 渡辺 真二; 倉本 義夫
著者(英)Saiga, Yasuhiro; Watanabe, Shinji; Kuramoto, Yoshio
著者所属(日)東北大学 理学部 物理学科; 東北大学 理学部 物理学科; 東北大学 理学部 物理学科
著者所属(英)Tohoku University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; Tohoku University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; Tohoku University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
刊行物名Activity Report, 1997
Activity Report, 1997
抄録The static and dynamical properties for the spin-1/2 XXZ chain with inverse-square exchange and Ising anisotropy have numerically been investigated. The dynamic structure factor of the XXZ chain has been studied in order to clarify the effects of the Ising anisotropy and the interaction range on dynamics. It was indicated that there are two types of the exchange interactions, that is, nearest-neighbor type and the inverse square type. The study has been focused on the characteristic change when the Ising anisotropy was increased. There appeared a noticeable difference between the two types of the exchange in the transverse component. This difference was understood in terms of whether the interaction between domain wall is absent or repulsive in the Ising limit. The energy gap in the magnetic excitation has been evaluated using the results of the transverse component. It was found for the inverse-square type that the opening of the gap was even slower than that for the nearest-neighbor type.
キーワードelementary excitation; one dimensional quantum system; XXZ chain; inverse square exchange; Ising anisotropy; dynamic structure factor; exchange interaction; nearest neighbor type; transverse component; domain wall; magnetic excitation; 素励起; 1次元量子系; XXZ鎖; 逆2乗交換; イジング異方性; 動的構造因子; 交換相互作用; 最隣接型; 横成分; 磁壁; 磁気励起
資料種別Technical Report
