JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMaterials Analysis: A Key to Unlocking the Mystery of the Columbia Tragedy
著者(英)Collins, Thomas E.; Mayeaux, Brian M.; Jerman, Gregory A.; Shah, Sandeep R.; Russel, Richard W.; McDanels, Steven J.; Piascik, Robert S.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; NASA Johnson Space Center; NASA Kennedy Space Center; NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Materials analyses of key forensic evidence helped unlock the mystery of the loss of space shuttle Columbia that disintegrated February 1, 2003 while returning from a 16-day research mission. Following an intensive four-month recovery effort by federal, state, and local emergency management and law officials, Columbia debris was collected, catalogued, and reassembled at the Kennedy Space Center. Engineers and scientists from the Materials and Processes (M&P) team formed by NASA supported Columbia reconstruction efforts, provided factual data through analysis, and conducted experiments to validate the root cause of the accident. Fracture surfaces and thermal effects of selected airframe debris were assessed, and process flows for both nondestructive and destructive sampling and evaluation of debris were developed. The team also assessed left hand (LH) airframe components that were believed to be associated with a structural breach of Columbia. Analytical data collected by the M&P team showed that a significant thermal event occurred at the left wing leading edge in the proximity of LH reinforced carbon carbon (RCC) panels 8 and 9. The analysis also showed exposure to temperatures in excess of 1,649 C, which would severely degrade the support structure, tiles, and RCC panel materials. The integrated failure analysis of wing leading edge debris and deposits strongly supported the hypothesis that a breach occurred at LH RCC panel 8.
NASA分類Space Transportation and Safety
