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タイトルOptical navigation planning process for the Cassini Solstice Mission
著者(英)Nolet, Simon; Jones, Jeremy B.; Gillam, Stephen D.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述During the Cassini Equinox Mission, the Optical Navigation strategy has gradually evolved toward maintenance of an acceptable level of uncertainty on the positions of the bodies to be observed. By counteracting the runoff of the uncertainty over time, this strategy helps satisfy the spacecraft pointing requirements throughout the Solstice Mission, while considerably reducing the required imaging frequency. Requirements for planning observations were established, and the planning process itself was largely automated to facilitate re-planning if it becomes necessary. This paper summarizes the process leading to the optical navigation schedule for the seven years of the Solstice Mission.
レポートNOAAS 11-216
