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タイトルPrognostics Methodology for Complex Systems
著者(英)Gulati, Sandeep; Mackey, Ryan
著者所属(英)California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述An automatic method to schedule maintenance and repair of complex systems is produced based on a computational structure called the Informed Maintenance Grid (IMG). This method provides solutions to the two fundamental problems in autonomic logistics: (1) unambiguous detection of deterioration or impending loss of function and (2) determination of the time remaining to perform maintenance or other corrective action based upon information from the system. The IMG provides a health determination over the medium-to-longterm operation of the system, from one or more days to years of study. The IMG is especially applicable to spacecraft and both piloted and autonomous aircraft, or industrial control processes.
NASA分類Quality Assurance and Reliability
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
