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タイトルTransparent Metal-Salt-Filled Polymeric Radiation Shields
著者(英)Lennhoff, John; Edwards, David; Harris, George
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述"COR-RA" (colorless atomic oxygen resistant -- radiation shield) is the name of a transparent polymeric material filled with x-ray-absorbing salts of lead, bismuth, cesium, and thorium. COR-RA is suitable for use in shielding personnel against bremsstrahlung radiation from electron-beam welding and industrial and medical x-ray equipment. In comparison with lead-foil and leaded-glass shields that give equivalent protection against x-rays (see table), COR-RA shields are mechanically more durable. COR-RA absorbs not only x-rays but also neutrons and rays without adverse effects on optical or mechanical performance. The formulation of COR-RA with the most favorable mechanical-durability and optical properties contains 22 weight percent of bismuth to absorb x-rays, plus 45 atomic percent hydrogen for shielding against neutrons.
NASA分類Man/System Technology and Life Support
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
