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タイトルA Future Moon Mission: Curatorial Statistics on Regolith Fragments Applicable to Sample Collection by Raking
著者(英)Allton, J. H.; Bevill, T. J.
著者所属(英)Lockheed Martin Corp.
内容記述The strategy of raking rock fragments from the lunar regolith as a means of acquiring representative samples has wide support due to science return, spacecraft simplicity (reliability) and economy [3, 4, 5]. While there exists widespread agreement that raking or sieving the bulk regolith is good strategy, there is lively discussion about the minimum sample size. Advocates of consor-tium studies desire fragments large enough to support petrologic and isotopic studies. Fragments from 5 to 10 mm are thought adequate [4, 5]. Yet, Jolliff et al. [6] demonstrated use of 2-4 mm fragments as repre-sentative of larger rocks. Here we make use of cura-torial records and sample catalogs to give a different perspective on minimum sample size for a robotic sample collector.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
