JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルTitan III Feasibility for HL-20 Prototype Missions
著者(英)Beaver, Brian A.; Benson, Scott W.; Sholes, Elizabeth H.; Edelman, Amy L.
著者所属(英)NASA Lewis Research Center
内容記述A set of studies was performed to investigate the feasibility of using the Titan III launch vehicle to launch an unmanned prototype HL-20 personnel launch system and, potentially, operational HL-20 missions. The launch of an HL-20 spacecraft on a Titan III poses a unique set of concerns, primarily because the lifting body vehicle is carried on top of the Titan vehicle without a fairing. The Titan III/HL-20 feasibility study addressed the primary vehicle issues of performance, aerodynamics, loads, control and stability, launch availability, and vehicle configuration for the launch of an unmanned HL-20 prototype vehicle. Titan launch operations, launch site systems, and facilities were assessed to determine HL-20 operations compatibility. Additional studies determined the potential launch opportunity and window capabilities of the Titan III for the operational HL-20 mission and the existing Titan III's reliability. The feasibility study determined that the Titan III system, with minor changes, is compatible with the HL-20 vehicle and mission. It could provide nearly daily launch windows for a rendezvous with Space Station Freedom. Titan III reliability, when combined with the HL-20 launch escape system, provides a sufficiently high probability of crew survival to support its consideration as the primary vehicle for HL-20 operational missions.
