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タイトルPreparing and Analyzing Iced Airfoils
著者(英)Baez, Marivell; Choo, Yung K.; Burke, Kevin M.; Nolan, Gerald J.; Brown, Dennis; Braun, Donald C.; Pennline, James A.; Coroneos, Rula M.; Schilling, Herbert W.; Slater, John W.; Vickerman, Mary B.; Cotton, Barbara J.; Hackenberg, Anthony W.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述SmaggIce version 1.2 is a computer program for preparing and analyzing iced airfoils. It includes interactive tools for (1) measuring ice-shape characteristics, (2) controlled smoothing of ice shapes, (3) curve discretization, (4) generation of artificial ice shapes, and (5) detection and correction of input errors. Measurements of ice shapes are essential for establishing relationships between characteristics of ice and effects of ice on airfoil performance. The shape-smoothing tool helps prepare ice shapes for use with already available grid-generation and computational-fluid-dynamics software for studying the aerodynamic effects of smoothed ice on airfoils. The artificial ice-shape generation tool supports parametric studies since ice-shape parameters can easily be controlled with the artificial ice. In such studies, artificial shapes generated by this program can supplement simulated ice obtained from icing research tunnels and real ice obtained from flight test under icing weather condition. SmaggIce also automatically detects geometry errors such as tangles or duplicate points in the boundary which may be introduced by digitization and provides tools to correct these. By use of interactive tools included in SmaggIce version 1.2, one can easily characterize ice shapes and prepare iced airfoils for grid generation and flow simulations.
NASA分類Man/System Technology and Life Support
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
