JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルLong-term observation of zooplankton biomass in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean
著者(日)高橋 一生; 谷村 篤; 福地 光男
著者(英)Takahashi, Kazutaka; Tanimura, Atsushi; Fukuchi, Mitsuo
著者所属(日)国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所
著者所属(英)National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research
刊行物名Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research
Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research
抄録Mean biomass, horizontal distribution and annual fluctuations of zooplankton biomass in the upper layer of the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean were investigated based on NORPAC standard net samples obtained by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) for 22 years. The average biomasses in circumpolar areas were 36.4, 79.4, 133.9 and 172.5 mg/cu m wet weight in the Subtropical, Sub-Antarctic, Antarctic, and Polar Frontal Zone, respectively. Mean zooplankton biomasses obtained in this study were slightly higher than those previously reported from Indian and other ocean sectors. In the Antarctic Zone, the average biomass decreased from north toward south. Horizontal distribution of surface zooplankton biomass showed high abundance over a relatively extensive area east of Prydz Bay, including the Polar Frontal Zone and Antarctic Zone (90 - 110 deg E, 45 - 65 deg S). The mean biomass of the Antarctic Zone varied annually. In the Antarctic Zone, the range of the variation was larger in the Northern Oceanic Community area than that in the Main Oceanic Community area, but no similarity in the patterns for the 22 years in the two areas was observed. In the Northern Oceanic community area, cyclic fluctuation of zooplankton biomass every 4 - 6 years were observed. This periodicity may relate to the physical process, i.e. ice ocean atmosphere system of the Southern Ocean.
キーワードSouthern Ocean; Indian Ocean sector; zooplankton; biomass; Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition; JARE; NORPAC standard net sample; circumpolar; subtropical; Sub Antarctic; Antarctic; polar frontal zone; Prydz Bay; 南氷洋; インド洋セクタ; 動物プランクトン; 生物量; 日本南極観測; JARE; ノルパック標準純試料; 周極領域; 亜熱帯; 亜南極; 南極; 極前線域; プリズ湾
資料種別Conference Paper
