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タイトルDouble electron detachment from negative hydrogen ions under high energy, highly charged ion impact
著者(日)俵 博之; Presnyakov, Leonid P.; Uskov, Dmitry B.
著者(英)Tawara, Hiroyuki; Presnyakov, Leonid P.; Uskov, Dmitry B.
著者所属(日)理化学研究所; Lebedev Physics Institute; Lebedev Physics Institute
著者所属(英)Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Lebedev Physics Institute; Lebedev Physics Institute
発行機関などInstitute of Physical and Chemical Research
刊行物名RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1996
理化学研究所加速器年次報告 1996
抄録Phenomena of the electron detachment from negative hydrogen ions in collisions with high energy Highly Charged Ions (HCI) are not only interesting in basic collision aspects but also important in applications such as fusion plasma heating technology. However, there are no experimental studies of electron detachment from H(-) ions under a high energy (MeV/amu) HCI collision. In this report, calculations of the cross sections for the double electron detachment from H(-) ions under the MeV/amu HCI ion impact were described. Two electrons (1s,1s-prime) in a H(-) ion were assumed to be independent. The wave function for the outer electron was in the Volkov-Keldysh state, and the wave function for the inner electron described the electron motion in the Coulomb field of proton and the dipole field of the projectile ion. With these functions the second-order perturbation theory yielded the cross sections for the double electron detachment from a H(-) ion as a linear combination of the single electron detachment cross section and the cross section of a two-step.
キーワードdouble electron detachment; negative hydrogen ion; high energy; highly charged ion; collision; cross section; outer electron; inner electron; Volkov Keldysh state; Coulomb field; dipole field; fusion plasma heating; wave function; second order perturbation theory; two step process; 2電子離脱; 水素陰イオン; 高エネルギー; 多価イオン; 衝突; 断面積; 外殻電子; 内殻電子; Volkov-Keldysh状態; クーロン場; 双極場; 核融合プラズマ過熱; 波動関数; 2次摂論; 2段階過程
資料種別Technical Report
