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タイトルDevelopment of a NASA 2018 Mars Landed Mission Concept
著者(英)Lindemann, R. A.; Allwood, A. G.; Jordan, J. F.; Wilson, M. G.; Sengstacken, A. J.; Salvo, C. G.; Backes, P. G.; Abilleira, F.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Fundamental to NASA's Mars Exploration Program (MEP) is an ongoing development of an integrated and coordinated set of possible future candidate missions that meet fundamental science and programmatic objectives of NASA and the Mars scientific community. In the current planning horizon of the NASA MEP, a landed mobile surface exploration mission launching in the 2018 Mars launch opportunity exists as a candidate project to meet MEP in situ science and exploration objectives. This paper describes the proposed mission science objectives and the mission implementation concept developed for the 2018 opportunity. As currently envisioned, this mission concept seeks to explore a yet-to-be-selected site with high preservation potential for physical and chemical biosignatures, evaluate paleoenvironmental conditions, characterize the potential for preservation of biosignatures, and access multiple sequences of geological units in a search for evidence of past life and/or prebiotic chemistry at a site on Mars.
NASA分類Space Sciences (General)
