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タイトル90 GHz Observations of M87 and Hydra A
著者(英)Irwin, K. D.; Devlin, M. J.; Ade, P.; Benford, D. J.; Staguhn, J. G.; Aquirre, J.; Korngut, P. M.; Cotton, W. D.; Mason, B. S.; Moseley, S. H.; Dicker, S. R.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述This paper presents new observations of the active galactic nuclei M87 and Hydra A at 90 GHz made with the MUSTANG array on the Green Bank Telescope at 8"5 resolution. A spectral analysis is performed combining this new data and archival VLA 7 data on these objects at longer wavelengths. This analysis can detect variations in spectral index and curvature expected from energy losses in the radiating particles. M87 shows only weak evidence for steepening of the spectrum along the jet suggesting either re-acceleration of the relativistic particles in the jet or insufficient losses to affect the spectrum at 90 GHz. The jets in Hydra A show strong steepening as they move from the nucleus suggesting unbalanced losses of the higher energy relativistic particles. The difference between these two sources may be accounted for by the lengths over which the jets are observable, 2 kpc for M87 and 45 kpc for Hydra A.
