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タイトルThe Mock LISA Data Challenges: History, Status, Prospects
著者(英)Baker, John; Littenberg, Tyson; Larson, Shane; Cutler, Curt; Porter, Edward; Cornish, Neil; Vecchio, Alberto; Benacquista, Matt; Vallisneri, Michele; Crowder, Jeff; Babak, Stas
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述This slide presentation reviews the importance for the Mock LISA Data Challenges (MLDC). Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a gravitational wave (GW) observatory that will return data such that data analysis is integral to the measurement concept. Further rationale of the MLDC are to kickstart the development of a LISA data-analysis computational infrastructure, and to encourage, track, and compare progress in LISA data-analysis development in the open community. The MLDCs is a coordinated, voluntary effort in GW community, that will periodically issue datasets with synthetic noise and GW signals from sources of undisclosed parameters; increasing difficulty. The challenge participants return parameter estimates and descriptions of search methods. Some of the challenges and the resultant entries are reviewed. The aim is to show that LISA data analysis is possible, and to develop new techniques, using multiple international teams for the development of LISA core analysis tools
