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タイトルArcjet Tests of Different Gap-Filler Options for the Orion PICA Heatshield
著者(英)Bouslog, Stan; Blosser, Max; Venkatapathy, Ethiraj; Reuther, James; Ellerby, Donald; Skokova, Kristina
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述PICA (Phenolic Infiltrated Carbon Ablator) is one of the candidate thermal protection materials for the Orion vehicle. Because PICA is fabricated in blocks, gaps exist between the blocks, similar to the individual ceramic tiles of the Shuttle thermal protection system. The results of this work focus on arcjet test results of different gap-filler options for PICA, performed as part of the Orion TPS Advanced Development Project. The arcjet tests were performed at NASA Ames Research Center on stagnation models 4 inches in diameter at conditions representative of Orion flight conditions for both Lunar and Low Earth Orbit return. Performance of gap-filler options was evaluated based on the extent of backface temperature change, as compared to PICA without gaps, and on the extent of flow penetration into the gap, evident from the gap opening and widening.
NASA分類Nonmetallic Materials
